> Home (In Russian)

The web-site of our department contains the following parts: «About the department», «Conferences», «The workshop», «Projects» and «Publications».

The tasks of the department:

  • Implication of the achievements in engineering pedagogy to the educational process
  • Research in the field of the creation of new educational technologies
  • Organization of the regular workshop «Development of innovative pedagogical technologies in engineering pedagogy»

In the «Conferences» heading there's some information on those Russian and international conferences of this year and the next one that are connected with different aspects of modern engineering education.

About the workshop in brief:
The workshop is held once every three months. The main aim of the workshop is to unite our attempts in the creation and development of the Russian engineering pedagogy school. The workshop is open for anyone interested in the problems of modernization of the system of engineering education. The proximate workshop will be held in the end of October, 2001. To participate in its work, it is necessary to register here, at our web-site, in the «Workshop» heading (unfortunately, it's not available in English yet).

The staff of the engineering pedagogy department are supporting different cooperative projects, which are connected with the creation of alternative pedagogical technologies and their utilization. In the heading called «Projects» there's a brief review of the themes and content of our cooperative projects.

«Publications» offer visitors of our site a list of the most important latest publications on engineering pedagogy and annotations to them.

To conclude with, we are glad to announce that soon a full English version of this web-site will be available. Come here regularly, and you will always be aware of our news!

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